Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself...

To those of you who have or who will follow this blog, it's probably evident that I fell off for a couple of years. During this time, I moved to the Big Apple, the Concrete Jungle Where Dreams are Made Of, the City So Fly They Had to Call it the Same Thing Twice (this is clearly paraphrased) - New York, New York - to complete my Masters of Public Administration (MPA) at my now most-recent alma mater, New York University's Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service. Now that I've graduated, recuperated, and ventured out into the real world, I am ready to get back to discussing with you the most important issues facing Africa and development today.

For those of you who don't know me - here's a brief recap. I am an American of Sierra Leonean parentage. I graduated from Harvard with an AB in Government and as aforementioned received my MPA from NYU Wagner where I studied International Public and Nonprofit Management and Policy. I've worked for the US Congress, the United Nations, and in the private sector, all with the aim of gaining the necessary skills to help me pursue my passion - to improve the lives and circumstances of those in the third world, particularly Africa. Now, at the risk of this sounding like a 'statement of interest' - back to the blog.

Ahem. This is not your granddaddy's blog. Why? Mainly because blogs weren't around in your granddaddy's day, but mostly because there will be no mincing of words here. This blog will always remain tactful and respectful; however all ideas pertaining to Africa and development will be thoughtfully considered - even the unpopular ones! So put your thinking caps on and get ready to discuss! After all, it is our collective goal to move Africa and Africans ahead. So let's do it!

To my old followers - welcome back! And to my new ones - Welcome to Africa Forward!


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